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Video created by Huy Dinh @huuyyy @hdeditsofficial


Stick Pledge Campaign 


The Temple Men's Gymnastics team is working hard for your support and is asking you to join us for our annual Temple Stick Pledge Campaign to support this year's team.

We’re asking fans, family, and friends to donate by pledging any dollar amount per stuck landing that team members make during this competition season.  Our team's goal is for each stick to collectively earn $100 among all the pledge supporters.  We are shooting for more than 40 sticks this season.  


How can YOU help?

You can pledge per stick or make a one-time flat donation.  Proceeds will benefit the Temple Men's Gymnastics team members and help defray the costs we have during the season.


    • $2 per stick can cover the cost of a team shirt for four team members (used during competition)

    • $5 per stick can cover the gas and tolls for an away meet

    • $10 per stick could cover a year's supply of chalk

    • $25 per stick could cover the team's accommodation for an away meet

    • $50 per stick can provide for four airline tickets when we fly to an away meet


Together we can ensure that TUMG "Sticks" around for another 99+ years!


Please fill out the form below.  We will notify you of the total number of sticks at the end of the season.

Or you can make a one time donation here (scroll down to find Men's Gymnastics Elite Club)

PB no words.png

*When the season concludes, please make checks payable to "Temple University" and write "Men's Gymnastics" in the memo.  Then mail to:


Pearson and McGonigle Hall

1800 N. Broad Street, Suite 303

Philadelphia, PA, 19122

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